Dental Laser Technology
A dental laser is a device that emits a single wavelength of light energy directed on tooth, gum or soft tissue to repair decay, gum disease, or soft tissue disorders with precision and accuracy.
All lasers work by delivering energy in the form of light. When used for surgical and dental procedures, the laser acts as a cutting instrument or a vaporizer of tissue that it comes in contact with. When used in teeth-whitening procedures, the laser acts as a heat source and enhances the effect of tooth-bleaching agents.
At Rayside Dental, Dr. Racicot uses lasers for a variety of general and cosmetic treatments including to:
- Remove tooth decay and prepare for a filling
- Reshape gums and remove bacteria during gum therapy
- Activate the bleaching solution in teeth whitening
- Help sterilize teeth during a root canal
- Treat face and jaw pain
- Promote faster healing of surgical sites
- Desensitize and anesthetize teeth where possible
Lasers allow performing dental procedures with less pain and fewer medical interventions. The laser beam sterilizes the affected area and seals off blood vessels, which minimizes the chance of swelling, bleeding, or infection. The need for anesthesia is also reduced and sometimes even eliminated.
Lasers can also be helpful for patients who feel anxious about visiting the dentist because they allow the dentist to use the drill less. Overall, this means that patients are much more comfortable both during and after treatment.
Laser technology has many benefits for the dentist, as well as the patient. You may experience a shorter recovery time and fewer complications with your dental procedure. Book an appointment with Dr. Racicot to learn more about laser technology.
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Questions about Laser Technology?
If you have any questions about laser technology or are interested in a consultation—contact us today.